Complaints Handling Procedure

1. About us.

InteliCred Limited (“IC” , “we”, “us” or “our”) is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 12049516 and has its registered office at 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP. We operate the site and we are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.


2. Purpose of this document

This document sets out the procedure IC will follow in handling any complaint received in relation to the services, acts or omissions of IC or any of its employees or agents, information made available via our site, blog, newsletter whether received by post, email, text message or accessed through our site.

This procedure does not cover:

a. complaints about matters that have already been fully investigated through this complaint procedure
b. anonymous complaints.
c. complaints relating to other parties mentioned on our site, blog, media or newsletter. Any such complaints shall be forwarded to the relevant parties using the procedure made available by the relevant party.

If you require this information in a larger print, please contact us using the details listed below.


3. Contacting us to raise a complaint

Any party that wishes to raise a complaint against IC or any of its employees or agents, may do so in writing:

(a) By post. Complaints made by post must be sent to 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP and contain a return address for response.

(b) By email. Complaints made by email must be addressed to

If you are unable to contact us in writing and require a reasonable adjustment because you are a disabled person or due to other exceptional circumstances, you may contact us by telephone at 020 7692 1900.

In order to help us resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, please state that you are making a complaint, outline the complaint clearly and in detail, and include any relevant supporting documents where possible. If there is a lack of information, we may need to contact you and ask for further information. By raising a complaint, you directly and explicitly authorise us to contact you in relation to the complaint/the outcome.


4. Time for response

Upon receipt of your complaint we will assign a reference number to your complaint and acknowledge receipt of a complaint within five (5) working days. We aim to deal with any complaints received as quickly as possible, and in any event within 20 working days of the receipt of the complaint.

In exceptional circumstances, due to the complexity of the complaint for example, we may not be able to provide a substantive response within 20 working days. In this situation, we will notify you of this fact, provide an explanation for the delay and provide a reasonable estimate (not exceeding six months) of the timeframe within which a response will be provided.

We will investigate any complaint fully and use best efforts to find a satisfactory solution to your complaint.


5. Second Stage Complaints

If, upon receipt of our substantive response, you disagree with the outcome or wish to dispute our response or any aspect thereof, you must notify us of the same by post or email using the same contact details outlined above, and mark your complaint as “Second Stage Complaint”.

This shall be referred to the Contact Officer. The Contact Officer will acknowledge receipt of dispute within 5 working days. The Contact Officer will review the complaint and respond with a final decision to accept the original finding or to substitute a new finding. The Contact Officer will respond within 1 month of the acknowledgment receipt of the Second Stage Complaint. If the complaint is upheld, the Contact Officer will ensure that necessary steps are taken as a result.


6. Remedies

If the complaint is upheld at any stage, we will aim to take reasonable and proportionate action to rectify the issue complained about. These are the remedies we may offer:

a. A sincere apology acknowledging what happened.
b. Appropriate remedial action (for example providing the service required in first instance to a better standard).
c. Putting things right (for example a change of protocol to avoid similar issues repeating, either for the complainant or others).
d. Financial compensation.


7. Further steps

If your complaint is not upheld and you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of our service or the way we handled your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to the InteliCred, Board of Directors.


8. Alternative Dispute Resolution

If we are unable to resolve your complaint through our internal complaints procedure, we will notify you of this fact in writing by post or email. In such cases and where possible, we will be open to make use of the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services. This does not deprive you of your right to bring judicial proceedings against us in the courts of England and Wales.


9. Confidentiality and Personal Data Handling

All complaints received will be dealt with confidentially and in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998, subject to the need to disclose information as required by statutory authorities, and/or as a result of statutory, legal or parliamentary obligations placed on the Commission.
We will handle your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy which can be found by following the link.