Intelligent Creditor Solutions

Debt recovery, insolvency, and credit management services...

InteliCred  is a membership organisation advocating for the rights of unsecured creditors in the United Kingdom.

We provide monthly consultations, and bespoke insolvency services focusing on 5 key areas:

Debt recovery

Contract reviews

Director background search

Insolvency practitioner search

Proxy instruction (creditor representation)

Search, discover, and recover...

Collect debts easier, and protect your interests in insolvency procedures...

InteliCred  is a membership organisation advocating for the rights of unsecured creditors...

Safe-guard your business

when dealing with customers and suppliers

Protecting creditors' rights

Enjoy access to a wide range of debt recovery, creditor representation, and credit management solutions...


Search for director, company, and IP records...


Use professionals to represent your business interests...


Improve debt recovery and insolvency prospects...


020 7692 1900

CALL NOW : 020 7692 1900

Reasons to join...


Schedule monthly consultations with an InteliCred professional for advice on credit management, debt recovery, and insolvency issues...

Contract Reviews

Update the terms and conditions of your trading contracts to make it easier to get paid, and recover losses from third parties...

Debt Recovery

Promptly and efficiently recover unpaid invoices and undisputed debts of £5,000 or more from companies and individuals...

Proxy Instruction

Enhance dividend prospects in insolvencies by instructing us to vote on your behalf, regulate your IP's fees, and steer the course of events...

Director Background Search

Discover valuable information about a company and its directors to stay one step ahead, and reduce your exposure to bad debt...

Be connected and Informed

Access index and performance scores of insolvency practitioners in England and Wales. Search by name, IP number, company, or city...